Saturday 30 January 2021

The Perfect Sleeve - Part 1

How to draw the sleeve (the easiest possible way)

  • That sleeve is part of our beginners level module. It comes just after the enlargement.

  • That sleeve is my own method. I did a combination of different methods taking care of the armhole, biceps and armhole depth. The crown goes up and down until final biceps value is satisfactory.

THERE IS NO BLOCK FOR SLEEVE : the sleeve has to been drafted form scratch for each garment.

  • The sleeve belongs to the garment, not the body. Thats why we don't have a block (because a block is your body)
  • It depends on the armhole which you choose and is different for each garment. We adapt the crown high to fit the biceps.

Start by measuring the armhole front and back on your pattern

Measure the front and back armhole length separately

Measure the depth as shown.

Take a new sheet of paper

Draw a vertical line in the middle

It is the center of the sleeve

Mark the crown. It is 80 % of the depth of armhole (measured earlier on the pattern).

That line is blue

Draw an horizontal line.

Make sure it is perpendicular to the center line.

It is the underarm line.

Draw a line from the top center line to the underarm line.

the left is the back and that new line is equal to the back armhole measurement (measurement taken earlier on the pattern)

Do the same for the front.

Note that the front and the back are not equal. (if they are, it is pure coincidence)

Draw two parrallele lines

at the end of the diagonal lines

Finish the frame.

by drawing two horizontal lines, one at the top and one at the bottom

We need two more lines

Half way vertically on the back side :
that's the elbow line (very important for fitted sleeve with a dart)

the other line is the bend line

It is half way on the front side

OUR frame is ready now to draw our sleeve.

The end in the next post The Perfect Sleeve - Part 2

In the meantime, watch the video

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